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15 April 2020

Launch a grassroots movement without a tactical plan

 So, you’ve got together with a few others and agreed your purpose and discussed strategy. Isn’t now the time to talk tactics, develop action plans – things that really get your group excited?  Or… is now the time to channel the energy of a much, much larger group of people? Could you use your launch to create a tactical plan in which everybody who attends has a stake, people’s assembly-style?

We did this when we launched Save Our Schools back in March 2017. (Save Our Schools – SOS – is a parent-led campaign for properly funded state schools shaped by educators, not politicians). We didn’t deliberately launch without a tactical plan. We just knew the time was right to go public, we wanted to catch the wave around school funding, and… we didn’t have a plan (or a concrete strategy) at that point.

We created an event with two distinct halves:

From this event came action plan gems: children from around the country delivering 30,000 SOS messages in bottles to 10 Downing St; banners going up simultaneously outside every school in our city; a sustained media and and communications campaign.

Most important, from a school hall packed to capacity with 300 people, a grassroots movement, involving the whole community, was born.